La Ferme du Chat Fou
"The Crazy Cat Farm"
La Ferme du Chat Fou is a 16 acre farm in the historic village of Birchrunville, in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
The original structure of the farm dates from the early to mid 1800s. We believe the original owners lived on the property from the 1800s until the early 1980s. A large addition was added in 1999 by a previous owner.
We purchased the property in September 2018. Since the day we moved in, we have been working on a massive restoration/renovation project of the house, barn, and grounds.

The farm is named after our cat Jens, a crazy tortoiseshell Manx, who passed away in 2020. Jens was very special and meant the world to us.


We currently have over 16 Jacob sheep in our flock. This includes ewes, rams, and wethers. Our flock was formed in 2022 with the help of Royal Unzicker of Ivy Meadows Farm. Royal has been integral in helping and guiding us in the formation and care of our flock.
We are continually learning and improving our property to better raise and care for both our sheep and other livestock. We just had our first 2 lambs, Dixon and Durby, in March of 2023. Our Jacob blood lines are primarily from Unzicker and Kreutzer. We along with our daughter, Mila, are members of the JSBA. Jeff and Amy’s flock prefix is Chat Fou, and Mila’s is Chat Fou 63. Our hope is to promote, breed, and increase the understanding of this amazing and unique breed of sheep

We have many other animals on the farm. We have adopted many of the other animals on the farm from rescues amd rescue situations. We are also providing homes for animals that are displaced when farms are sold.

Currently on the farm are:
6 Nigerian Dwarf goats: Moo, Spooky, Dolly, Ivy, Rosie, and Pebbles, 2 Pygmy goats: Reggie and Rocket Man
1 full sized goat (large): Bambi, 2 Miniature donkeys: Coco and Julia
1 Miniature Mule: Murphy , 2 Finn sheep: Leroy and Cloudy
9 cross bred sheep , 5 cats
Home Ewes Rams Lambs
updated 5/17/24
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